Look into my eyes - poem I guess
Look into my eyes - by me
The idea behind this poem was to not just experience poems but also show how people can miss something
Look into my eyes
See them from the angle
from different points of you
They are deep, and they can speak
They speak the truth we try to hide
So blue just like we are inside
My eyes are blue just like the ocean
The deepest creatures lurk beneath
with Hidden Soul of secrets trapped from you to see
As I Smile my eyes glisten to remind you of the ocean you are missing
But before you walk away unbothered
look into my eyes again
We all have something that we don't show. We all have different struggles, experiences, and ways to hide secrets. The poem depicts that sometimes looking at people's eyes you can tell that the person may have lost their spark or something is happening and sometimes you can't see that unless you really look at someone's eyes. Sometimes people want people to look into their eyes as a cry for help.
Something that might stick out is about blue eyes, and I don't particularly mean blue eyes as a color of the eyes I mean in a way that you can hide the sadness in your eyes. You do have to have blue eyes to have some blueness in your eyes, the same as how you can feel blue as an emotion. It's funny cause in Ukrnaian being blue means being drunk and being blue in America means you are depressed, or maybe you are just both. Nah you guys don't drink. Unless...
I mean this whole poetry unit opened up new possibilities of retrying something that I have done in the past and maybe I don't know trying to like poetry?? I mean honestly, I thought poetry was boring and hard especially with my English and not being able to find deeper meaning in poetry because it just doesn't make sense sometimes. So that was my limit about poems. But also the scare of being able to interpret the poem incorrectly and not having the freedom to explore what the poem means without someone telling you that it's incorrect.
Anyway yeah, this poem took me back to when I was writing these types of poems during middle school. I by no means say it's good but it's something, I hope it somehow makes you think or kinda experience the feeling you can get from people not seeing you sometimes.
I just enjoy sometimes rhyming and I use something that comes up in my brain and put it on a poem and then after creating a base (I wrote the last part of the poem first) I came up with the first part and the title that would tie it all together. So it is your interpretation that I would want to know.
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