Experiencing Poetry

 Experiencing poetry 

Never thought that anyone would catch me saying that I would enjoy experiencing poerty at the beginning of each English class. But I do. 
It's such a unique way to feel the poem anew. It's different from reading it on your own where your own little ways decide where to boom and where to quiet down, where to add apostrophes and where to not, whether the poem has a deeper meaning or I am just interpreting it incorrectly. It is easier when you can see someone actually perform the poem talk about it put emotions in it, It definitely hits how powerful the poems can be, how strong and mighty the words can feel, and the expressions of the speaker can give me goosebumps. I enjoyed the analysis of the poems and listening to how the person finds the meaning and relates to it, even though his voice is too calm sometimes he opens my eyes and my brain to a new meaning of the poem.
I never thought that poetry could be animated, or cartoonish, I always thought of it as an oral activity, but many animated poems felt so warm and relatable in the way, I enjoyed the visual and how much detail went into it that every little thing plays to an entire meaning of the poem and it definitely helped me seek an opportunity to maybe make a visual for my blog for my poem. Like a small panel maybe with different colors and all.
-insert my ideas 

The poem that I got inspired by the book I was reading. I honestly love the book Where the Crawdads Sing, it is such an amazing novel that I can't wait to finish it. The poem that I have written should not have captured my feelings for that said person who will be back but also the main character of the story. You see when the main character learns how to read she starts to experience property very much like we are right now with trying to make our own little poems, she starts to make small snippets of silly poems or memorize the old poems of her moms. Her first acknowledgment of the sentence is that she never thought "that one sentence could hold so much", to which her friend replied that poems hold even more information than the sentence.  After that, the character starts to create small poems that first look insignificant but then show how much life has impacted her to make the poems. 
This is one short poem she wrote. 
"There is mama blue jay lifting from a branch;
"I'd fly too if I had a chance"

Here is one where she experienced the favorite poem of her mom.

I did care...
I did say everything I thought
In the mildest words I knew. And now,...
I have to say I am relieved it is over:
At the end I could feel only pity
For that urge toward more life.

I'll wait for you until the end - by me  trying also something melancholy and nostalgic in a way.

I'll wait for you until the end
Until I'll see your silhouette 

I'll wait for you until the end

Even if it takes many nights and days

I'll wait for you until the end

Even if it takes a couple years 

I'll wait for you until the end

When a memory of you starts to fade 

I'll wait for you until the end

Even when the hope is no longer in my eyes  

I'll wait for you until the end

And cold evening creeps with tears in my eyes 

I'll wait for you... until the end...

(two possible endings I am deciding on)

Even though I know 
you won't be back.
I'll wait for you... until you're back and I am not there.

Tell me which one sound better and complete :)

So I tried to make a picture of the cover of the book and I haven't practiced my digital art in a while but this is the visual of the poem I had for the time I thought about the poem.


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