Why koda is a complex character
Koda the complex character of a dog
Dogs are the most prominent companions of humankind. They can be fluffy, short-furred, long-furred, curly-furred, big, small, pricked up ears hanging ears, long legs, short legs, long fluffy tails, skinny tails, different color dogs. A particular dog that I am talking about is Koda. She is a cream-white, short-furred dog with a grey-black nose and paws. She is only a couple of months old. For a surface-level cute puppy, what many people do not realize is that dogs will improve lives. Yes, you heard me right: the puppy will enhance someone's life by helping them with coordination if they are visually impaired. On a surface level, a fun puppy that sleeps goofy on her back and paws up will occasionally lightly bite you because of her teething. Sometimes, She will approach you and put her head in a way so you can pet her. The same puppy will lead the person in need, behind the cuteness, the loyal companion that will help their owner in need. But indeed the dogs can be complex, some are trained to sniff out illegal things that improve our society. Dogs can help find diseases
by sniffing them, some owners never knew something was wrong until the dog started to act weird around them so many found out that they had cancer. Dogs are not just goofy animals but loyal and helpful smart creatures that help humans as much as humans help them to strive.
Overall all dogs are complex because they carry different responsibilities that help improve the lives of a human and make dogs happier while doing so.
I Would have wrote more but i am lost in my thoughts.
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