Women were written by biases

Women were written by biases

How does Fitzgerald show his biases in his book

Throughout history, women have been viewed as objects. Women were obeying the "perfect" stereotypes of men.  For example, women weren't allowed to work the same job as men, they need "women" jobs that are usually low paying. Women weren't allowed to do "men" jobs due to thinking that women are weak and can't work. Also, women were much needed around the house, taking care of the kids, cooking, and staying quiet even if their husbands came home from late nights from "work" or drunk. Women needed to be pretty. If you are widowed people would not even look at you, if you are not in beauty standards people gonna look, if your husband is sleeping around you are the problem. Even when the new age became popular, women started to be more scandalous and try to break the stereotype.  Unfortunately, some of the books that were written to display new-age women have failed to display the good of them. During gatsby and DBR  women were either objectified or displayed negatively than men. Take the example of Jordan, a very smart woman that broke the stereotype that women can't play golf, but yet was written as a cheat in golf and manupillitve.  Take the example of Kismine. Even though she is not a modern woman or a new world woman,  the main character has fallen in love with her by just looking at her. He only focused on how her outside appearance looked, how beautiful she looked, her golden hair and sapphire blue eyes are so pretty she looked golden. In the end, though he is so pissed at her naive personality, he was terrified that she had killed people, and overall the same author portrayed what can look like an "innocent girl" into a murderer as easily as portraying women's independency as  "manipulative, and negative". Even though women weren't the negative part of the book it was still disguised in the characters' characteristics.  When we get introduced to male charters they are often wise, smart looking and etc, completely ignoring the fact that many have cheated on their wives or had a side business they were part of.  Tom was always trying to cover up the fact he is meeting the other mistress, and even though everyone knew and hated him at the end of the novel everyone suddenly hates and dislikes Daisy causes well she left Gatsby for a cheater, even though she knew that tom cheated (multiple times). It really shows the author's idea of a woman being blind and only relying on (any) men.

A lot of that can be tied to the biases the author had. During one of my research., Scott had said himself that he doesn't mind the idea of a modern woman as long as it is viewed as "a woman in need of help of saving" so she can still rely on a man. A lot of times we can see that he had objectified women as something that is worth it until it loses its value. For example, if a woman is pure then her value would be 100% good but if she has many partners then her value goes down to 25%.  What I am trying to say is that the book shows that the more women try to be modern and outrageous the less value men see them as. Just like with objects if it's a new object the more it costs or the value is but the more it gets passed down and chipped the less it values. In the end,  the author failed to represent women's worthiness cause of the negative outcomes apparently they have caused.

I dont know what i wrote


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