Progress check
Woohoo second semester!! Woohoo 114 days left of being a senior... It feels like it was just yesterday that I started my final year in high school, yet after each day passes we are getting closer and closer to graduation. In just a few months I will turn 18 and teenage life will creep into adulthood as college gets closer. That thought has been sitting at the back of my mind and every time it pops up I realize how close that idea is to becoming my new reality. It's scary. I don't blame anyone anxious to start their life anew. The truth is that we are not the same people we were at the beginning of the year, i am even saying we are not even the same as 4 years ago. In the time that has passed, I will focus on the changes that have been made during the first semester of this year. The beginning of the first semester was stressful. Letter of recomandiotns and letters that you have to complete before the first deadline. It's hard really to focus on other things like ...